
Thursday, October 20, 2011


(picture from

This is a poem I just wrote, after a rather sad dream I had. I may refine it later, as it was just poured from my thoughts, but this is it for now.


In the dreams where I Fly,
I can never seem to get very high.
I struggle against the force below,
Pulling me,
down and down,
 so low.
I can’t fly high,
Nor reach the sky.
It’s like I’m swimming through the air,
No feathers or wings to help me.
I flail and beg, trying to pull myself up through the clouds,
When all that happens is,
I come crashing down.

 My strength isn’t enough,
I can’t make it to the top.
The sun shines brightly and the birds sing,
But all I can hear,
Is the wind in my ear,
Reminding me again and again,
I’m not meant to fly.
Not in real life.
Not in my dreams.
I fall,
All of the things I am trying to conquer
Are, in turn, conquering me.

I feel it behind me,
Rushing up,
I know I must escape.
My arms and legs pump,
Propelling me forward,
 fast enough to try.
I take the leap, kicking out,
Reaching my arms wide.
I feel the wind as I begin to climb,
thinking I’m getting quite high.
But just as before,
I begin to fall.
My strength isn’t enough,
I can’t make it to the top,
I come crashing down.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I could feel the helplessness as the dream began to unravel, great poem! Wish there was a rating system or a like button : )
